An Art-Project between Leipzig and Moskow
Organized and curated by Maxim Ilyukhin (Moscow) and Tine Guenther (Leipzig)
Maximilian Roganov Sasha Sokolov Stas Shuripa Anna Titova Oleg Frolov Natasha Struchkova Mike Ko Maxim Ilyukhin Petr Philippov Jirka Pfahl Hendrik Marian Luft GALLERY FIST Beschow & Fellner Ronny Szillo Michael Alfred Tine Guenther Paul Phillip Heinze Matthias Krause
ABOUT In March 2013 there was a joint exhibition with Russian and German artists on the grounds of ARTPLAY in Moscow. The idea was to create a ten-day, temporary art hotel for the artists, where they work together, eat, sleep and communicate. ARTPLAY featured an exhibition hall of 1000 sqm over 2 floors, with 100 sqm large dormitories, showers and toilets are also available. In addition to this, a temporary kitchen will be installed. The artists will build, in one week together, a show. Its possible to watch the process in visits to the hotel. March 15, 2013 is DAY X, where the project will culminate in an opening with performances, music and DJ´s.
ARTPLAY ARTPLAY is similar to the Spinnerei in Leipzig, a former self-contained industrial ground on which there are many working spaces and galleries of art and design. The exhibition hall is located in the center of the site. Enabling the Leipzig artist to establish a connection, an alien but yet strangely familiar world seems to be offered here. For the Leipzig artists this will be a challenging adventure into the unknown.
NETWORKING & CURATION The curating content of the exhbition is the given transit-situation of a Hotel: the living artists doing side-specific contemporary art. To the artists are not given any other curating handicaps. They are responsible to develop their own ideas and solutions together. In case of any problems or disagreement the curators will help to find a basic result. Of course there is also the idea to develop a network between Russian and German artists, with a major focus being actual fellow human contact and direct communication. The spectrum of possibilities of interaction is between healthy competition and teamwork in unknown situations. The group of participating artists is a size that is not too small and not to big, yet manageable.
ARTISTS The selection of artists is determined by variety and ability to work on-site, as well as an openness to the engagement in a new experience, communication and the unknown. They are all contemporary artists. They are to influence* and enrich one another, not ignoring the possibility of debate and friction. The artists come from different directions, like installation, painting, photography, performance, video, sound and digital art. Many of them do not work only in a specified area, but rather with all media. The age of the participating artists is between mid-twenties and fifty.
INTERNET & DOCUMENTATION There is an internet platform to support the participating artists.The communication has already started. A documentation of the process will be visible. Each artist has been tagged and can exchange in the electronic cloud before the actual encounter with the others in the form of blogging. Such connections will be virtually seen, existing through our global digital network. Also, as with the hotel there are visitors or residents. The users of the cloud have a slug or real life based identity. Both Maxim Ilyukhin and Tine Guenther are very well networked in the local art scenes and have many contacts. Maxim Ilyukhin is an artist working at the intersection of various media and of institutions. Having graduated as engineer of robotics (MSTU) and as artist (ICA Moscow), he is interested in creative interaction of technique and thoughts. In 2000 he co-founded the Art Business Consulting group which focuses on visual and mental processes of office habitat in their projects. Since 2004 he is a founder and manager of the ABC gallery and laboratory which organized monthly shows of associated artists. In 2009 Ilyukhin was the project manager of the artist-run art fair Universam. He is also developing his personal art pieces and currently inspirited by dance. Tine Guenther is a paintress and has already organized and curated many shows, for example “A.B.C.Mooning” in Hamburg (www.galleryfist.com/abcmooning.html) She also runs an off-space in Leipzig called LINDENAU (www.lindenau-leipzig.tumblr.com) The network of contacts and cooperation will be expanded to Moscow and seems to be very fruitful. Think global, act local! The result will be a growing network of creative people, and we hope to spin it foreward and other communication between the artists – not to mention visitors - to encourage and participate in our common world. The artist to artist cluster situation must be opened to the audience and the public: Art as a link between the individuum and society.
HOTEL MOSCOW: www.hotelmoscloud.ru ARTPLAY: www.artplay.ru Maxim Ilyukhin: http://abc-gallery.ru/ Tine Guenther: www.guenthertine.blogspot.com www.xxx1lvxxx.tumblr.com
*ART AS A VIRUS / David Elliot